We are Seventh-day Adventists.
Church is not about having four walls and a pulpit. It is about living in harmony as the body of Christ. This means each church member loves, respects and values the other members, realizing that just as different organs make up the body, so different members are needed to form the Church. Sure, we’ll disagree sometimes, and from time to time, even the closest families have some friction. That’s where Christian love and patience come in. As Christians we have the privilege to model for the world how God calls us to live in a caring, compassionate community. Here’s to a happy family with Jesus at the center!
Agape Advent Fellowship Service Times:
Seventh-day Sabbath (Saturdays): 3:00 pm
Online Worship via ZOOM:
Passcode: 031644
For more information about the Seventh-day Adventist Church, please visit any of the following sites:
| Adventist Global Site | General Conference: World HQ | World Churches | North American Division |
| Columbia Union | Allegheny East Conference SDA | Fundamental Beliefs |
| Directories | Bible Studies | Find A Church | News | People | Church Manual | Giving |
Did you recently meet an Adventist? Maybe you saw an ad for an event at a local Adventist church, or drove by one of the denomination’s schools or hospitals. You may have just heard the word “Adventist” somewhere and want to find more about what it means.
Seventh-day Adventists are a global family of Christians who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. There are, however, a few distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from many other Christian denominations.
Let’s look at a few core components of their collective identity, which can give you an idea of what it means to be a Seventh-day Adventist.
- Adventists look to Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
- Adventists believe the Bible introduces you to God.
- Adventists acknowledge the call to be unique, or “set apart” from the world.
- Adventists uphold the importance of the 4th Commandment, the seventh-day Sabbath, even today.
- Adventists have a rich history, fueled by a renewed emphasis on rigorous Bible study.
The Adventist Church today-Belief in action
Today you can find Adventists in almost every country of the world. The small but powerful grassroots movement mentioned above grew miraculously fast, and is now a global church.
And this Church is more than just churches. Because the Seventh-day Adventists’ active faith permeates every aspect of life, they want to take worship and mission work beyond the pews and out into the world.
Within the church pews, Seventh-day Adventists remain a dynamic body of believers, consistently meeting together on Saturday mornings in much the same manner other Christian churches do on Sunday. Adventists encourage the edifying experience of corporate worship, seeing it to be vital for spiritual growth.

For more information about the Seventh-day Adventist Church, please visit any of the following sites:
| Adventist Global Site | General Conference: World HQ | World Churches | North American Division |
| Columbia Union | Allegheny East Conference SDA | Fundamental Beliefs |
| Directories | Bible Studies | Find A Church | News | People | Church Manual | Giving |